Thursday, 21 July 2011

Our Return Adventure to Simla

Simla, also known as the William Beebe Tropical Research Station, is located in the Arima Valley of the Northern Range of the island of Trinidad. In previous years, Glasgow Uni Expeditions have stayed at Simla, and used this area to carry out research and experiments.

Beautiful garden at Simla (photo taken on previous trip).

Last week the team headed up to Simla AT NIGHT, to see some beautiful wildlife. But we were very careful in watching were we stepped, as the venomous Fer de Lance snake can be found here. Luckily we didn't come across any, though in a way it is very exciting to come across such a snake...but at a distance of course.

I thought it would be cool to show you guys just some of the amazing creatures you find here in Trinidad. I've posted photos below...

Big hairy tarantula. This 'little' guy's leg span was about 8-10cm

COCKROACH! Now I know some people hate cockroaches, but I LOVE them! This one was about 10cm (!) from top to bottom!!!

Very cute! Only about 2cm long!

Leaf lizard (Anolis chrysolepis planiceps). We thought this little guy was very cute. Only about 8-9cm long (including tail).

This little moth's wingspan was only about 4cm.

Creepy crawlie...

This insect was incredible to see. It was about 10cm from top to bottom! It was HUGE!

Stunning moth, with a wingspan of about 10-12cm!

Millipede!!! My favourite :D ...10cm long!

Such a sweet little insect, on Becky's thumb. This little guy was Becky's favourite of the night!

This little guy was one of my favourites! About 4-5cm long!

Bat!! We walked down a trail, from the main house at Simla, to an abandoned building in the forest! It was something from a horror movie. We saw lots of things here, including bats flying about our heads! It was difficult to snap a shot, but this little guy stayed still long enough, yey!

We also saw this HUGE tarantula in the abandoned building. It had a leg span of about 17cm!! Some of the team didn't want to look, but generally tarantulas are harmless, and most bites are as painful as a bee sting!

Cool stick insect, that really looked like a stick hehehe. Good job buddy! This little guy was about 8-9cm long!

Hope you enjoyed the photos guys. Just think, we saw ALL of these creatures, including more (toads, frogs, geckos etc) in ONE NIGHT!! Trinidad has a high diversity, with such beautiful and interesting creatures.

What kind of creatures do you find in your garden at night?

Love all the way from Trinidad,
Gillian and the team x


  1. Hi folks,

    Just a few notes about the animals you photographed. The big tarantulas are both Trinidad Chevrons (Psalmopoeus cambridgei), the cockroach is the Giant Cockroach (Blaberus giganteus), the one labelled creepy crawlie is an opilione or harvestman. The long legged beetle after that is a Harlequin Beetle (Acrocinus longimanus). The rest of the beetles and moths I might be able to identify once I get back to Trinidad.

    Mike Rutherford

  2. The stick insect is a male of Creoxylus spinosus. A common species in Trinidad.
